Hcash weekly development update 04.01.2019-10.01.2019

The following is a weekly progress report from the HCASH development team. This report is divided in two parts: completed and ongoing work.

Our GitHub code can be found here: www.github.com/HcashOrg

Please note: code is being uploaded to GitHub progressively; if you find that something from this document is missing from a repository, please check back periodically.

Completed work:



Tested and fixed bugs on Web proposal system


Optimised proposal and voting API, fixed bugs


Developed HC Autonomy interface

Developed Autonomy functionality code


Conducted integration tests on proposal mechanism


Fixed compilation dependency issue on Web proposal system

Tested HcAutonomy RPC

Optimised HcAutonomy documents

Developed and tested HcAutonomy

Release HcAutonomy mainnet: testnet-autonomy.h.cash

Release HcAutonomy testnet: autonomy.h.cash


HX core

Optimised HX node connections

Analysed congestion issues on RPC

Added checkpoint feature in order to speed up replaying-blockchain

HX Indicator

Added cross-chain ERC-20 asset: ELF

Fixed several bugs


Used debugger to modify local output format and upvalue output format

Introduced VLD to IDE

HX Tools

Upgraded UI of HX Web wallet

Ongoing work:



Prepare to release hcGUI V2.1.8 on Windows and macOS systems, which supports HcAutonmy

Technical support

Provide assistance to community for swapping HSR to HC


Test agreement protocol

Fix bugs on agreement protocol API


Draft and release proposal on mainnet


HX core

Move combine cross-chain transaction functions from middleware to hx_node

Modify decoderawtransaction format

Fix status display bug that occurs when trading ETH on hx_node

HX Indicator

Optimise Order Centre page

Test and fix bugs


Continue to optimise output format on debugger and IDE debug window follows up

Compile debugger on macOS systems

Optimise IDE code to query for memory leaks

HX Tools

Optimise hx payment sdk functionalities

Upgrade UI of HX explorer plugin

Implement HX Dapp demo

We are grateful for the immense effort made by all contributors. Each contributor and community member is vital to the technical development of HCASH.