Hcash weekly development update 17.08.2018-23.08.2018

The following is a weekly progress report from the HCASH development team. This report is divided in two parts: completed and ongoing work.

Our GitHub code can be found here: github.com/HcashOrg

Please note: code is being uploaded to GitHub progressively; if you find that something from this document is missing from a repository, please check back periodically.

Completed work:

HyperCash (HC)


Fixed test code

Fixed insufficient priority calculation affecting post-quantum signatures

Fixed an error; when the transaction pool is full and mining modules are being created, an error message stating “sigNum exceeds the maximum number of signature instructions” appears falsely


Fixed test code

Added ‘sendmanyv2’ interface to support change address appointment feature

Added ‘sendmanyv2’ interface to support address reuse feature

Optimised the ‘listtransactions’ return results

Fixed the ‘getaddressesbyaccount’ interface to support imported accounts


Optimised support for post-quantum signature addresses to participate in PoS ticket purchasing and voting


Added an unconfirmed cost information function to the account page, making it convenient for users to understand instant balance information

Fixing incorrect separator display position on the transaction page when having completed transfer

Fixing the incorrect balance display issue that occurs when having completed transfer

Released hcGUI 2.0.1 and hcGUI 2.0.5


Fixed the ‘404 not found’ bug that occasionally occurs on hcExplorer

Fixed the ‘transaction not found’ bug that occasionally occurs on hcExplorer


Document modification

Following up the token mapping and hosting upgrade process on cryptocurrency exchanges

Completed the swap process on Binance, Gate.io, Coinw, HPX and ZB

HyperExchange (HX)

HX core

Renamed RPC interface

ETH transaction acquisition module testing and optimisation (modifying the storage database)

HX Indicator

Citizen pledged assets are now being displayed

Added management feature for proposals that require Citizen’s signature


Added breakpoint record function to CodeMirror editor

Fixed the offline function which invoked a not responding bug that occurred when repairing contract invoking process

Code modification for back end start-up and data access

Ongoing work:

HyperCash (HC)


Investigating an issue; the corresponding UTXO of selected transactions are marked as spent, but are not actually recorded on the chain


Investigate the low fee issue that occurs on transactions sent from Hcwallet

Release new version on GitHub


Performance optimisation, reducing missed tickets


Modify the automatic ticket purchase logic

Fix the crash issue that occasionally occurs


Conduct comprehensive upgrade and improve capacity to achieve high availability


Review and optimise documents

Follow up the token mapping and hosting upgrade process on cryptocurrency exchanges (ZB, Huobi, Bithumb, Kucoin)

POW pool

Contact PoW mining pools (such as 91 pool and BTCC) to complete PoW settings

HyperExchange (HX)

HX core

Add data service feature to ETH transaction acquisition module

Create and deploy relevant documents (i.e. smart contract, API and development guides)

Upgrade HX vs2013 to HX vs2017

HX Indicator

Create new Citizen functions

Open mining configuration for Citizens

Interface optimisation


Adjust contract compilation function

Dock with the RPC interface of the debugger

Code optimisation

We are grateful for the immense effort made by all contributors. Each contributor and community member is vital to the technical development of HCASH.