HyperCash Omni Protocol Public Test Released Today

The coming launch of our new HyperCash Omni Protocol is the next great leap in the realisation of asset tokenization for the HCASH ecosystem. In order to ensure the functionality and stability of the HC Omni Protocol. HCASH officially launched the public testnet today.

The test network will be open for one month. In order to give the community a better understanding of what the developers have been working on, the source code has been uploaded to Hcash github. Start testing by obtaining hcd, hcwallet, and hcOMNI that already support Omni protocol by means of

a) Binary 


b) Source code 

hcd: https://github.com/HcashOrg/hcd/tree/omnibranch

hcwallet: https://github.com/HcashOrg/hcwallet/tree/omnibranch

hcOMNI: https://github.com/HcashOrg/hcOMNI

At the same time, HyperCash Omni Protocol Operation Manual is also released, which includes:

a) Environmental construction

b) Create a fixed supply token

c) Create manageable supply tokens

d) Withdrawal of manageable supply tokens

e) Create crowdfunding tokens (HC and Omni tokens exchange)

f) Create a crowdfunding token (A type of Omni token exchange with B type Omni token)

and main API descriptions. You can find a detailed summary at:


The HCASH development team welcome any suggestions for improvements.