Hcash weekly development update 18.01.2019-24.01.2019

The following is a weekly progress report from the HCASH development team. This report is divided in two parts: completed and ongoing work.

Our GitHub code can be found here: www.github.com/HcashOrg

Please note: code is being uploaded to GitHub progressively; if you find that something from this document is missing from a repository, please check back periodically.

Completed work:



Checked Hcd Code library


Completed the development and testing of the new version’s upgrade prompt function

Completed development and testing of advertising function

Technical support work

Completed development and testing for hclib for Android

Completed development and testing for hclib for iOS


Fixed agreement interface bug


Optimized HcAutonomy


HX core

Fixed the coredump problem when the node exits

Resolved “Heap out of memory” error when compiling

Merged BTC local multi-signing transaction

Decoded raw transaction format modification

Conducted optimisation on cross-chain info collection

Improved USDT omini layer crosschain info collection

HX Indicator

Completed Exchange mode function

Adjusted left menu

Solved contract token transfer bug


Changed the debugger return data format

Fixed some data parsing bugs

HX Tools

Completed HX payment sdk function

Developed HXDAPP

Created HX to-do list DApp demo

Ongoing work:



Optimise HC mining algorithm


Test and release version 2.1.9


Provide support for HSR/HC swap for Bitpie wallet

Technical support work

Provide support to community wanting to conduct HSR/HC swap


Publish a mainnet proposal


HX core

Test LTC and HC multi-signature signatures

Optimise access to intermediate network links

Conduct Omni-USDT cross-link test

HX Indicator

Test Exchange mode


Modify the interaction mode between the debugger and the IDE to RPC2.0 mode. IDE will synchronously be modified to a corresponding interface

Compile debugger for macOS

HX Tools

Complete mobile service queries for DApp transaction status

We are grateful for the immense effort made by all contributors. Each contributor and community member is vital to the technical development of the HCASH ecosystem.