Hcash weekly development update 23.11.2018-29.11.2018

The following is a weekly progress report from the HCASH development team. This report is divided in two parts: completed and ongoing work.

Our GitHub code can be found here: www.github.com/HcashOrg

Please note: code is being uploaded to GitHub progressively; if you find that something from this document is missing from a repository, please check back periodically.

Completed work:



Completed tests on hcGUI for macOS systems

Released new hcGUI version for macOS systems


Optimised 502 error page

Fixed the variable inconsistency bug under multithreading

HC Omni

Fixed the block sequence error that occurs when Omni date is refreshing


HX core

Released V1.1.7

Optimised slow synchronisation issue on current mainnet

Fixed special deposit & withdrawal congestion issue on mainnet

HX Indicator

Decresed the frecuency of data requests to the backend

Optimised UI page

Fixed crash issue on main interface

Added automatic update function


Re-wrote HX node-launching code

Optimised IDE notification function

Ongoing work:



Develop proposal system

Develop API


Optimise voting mechanism

Fix excessive CPU usage issue


Release new hcGUI deb-version (which supports HC Omni Protocol)

Develop and test hcGUI V2.1.7

Develop fundraising feature on hcGUI

Create documents


Continue to provide technical support to assist OKEx in re-opening HC trading

Follow up token mapping and hosting upgrade process on Changelly

HC Omni

Fix data anomaly issue

Optimise HC Omni Protocol


HX core

Optimise mainnet performance

Add support for ERC-20 tokens on HX mainnet

HX Indicator

Fix bugs for mainnet launch

Optimise code based on users’ feedback


Add the latest UVM code to single-step debugger code

We are grateful for the immense effort made by all contributors. Each contributor and community member is vital to the technical development of HCASH.